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¡Abordemos juntos la injusticia climática!

Solo podemos realmente hacer una diferencia con tu apoyo. Ayúdanos a comprar los materiales para un huerto familiar, construir un invernadero o reforestar un terreno. Simplemente usa una de las dos opciones de donación a continuación. Esto nos acerca un paso más a nuestro objetivo de preservar la diversa región de los altos Andes en el futuro.


50 trees for a reforestation area


Fence posts for a family plot


100 fruit trees for a family plot

Christmas at home with your loved ones? Let this also be possible in the future.
Not only for you, but also in the Bolivian Andes by supporting our food security  project using the donation form below!
Currently we still need urgent support for the construction of greenhouses and of family gardens planned for next year! Thank you for your support!

Currently we still need support for the construction of greenhouses and of family gardens for our project food security !




of goal met



still needed


days to go

If you like what we do, we would be happy if you support our work in the Bolivian Andes using the donation form below!
Thanks a lot for your help!

Do you want to get the most out of your donation?:

You want to get the most out of your donation?:
Every Sunday in Advent your donation from "Betterplace" will be matched with 20%. That means if you donate 100€ you are actually supporting us with 120€!

In addition, a generous donor has promised us to double every incoming donation during the Advent season up to a total volume of €XXXX. For example, if you currently donate 100 €, you are actually supporting us with an amount of 200 € and on Advent Sundays even with 220 €!!!






days to go

Thanks for your support!!! 
We did it and doubled 1000€ in donations to 2000€, all of which will help next year to successfully carry out our food security project and thus help many families in the Andean communities of Micani to prepare for future changes in their environment!



With 50€ you can already help a family build up a garden

We incur transaction costs for donations via our partner Betterplace. If you want the full share of your money to reach us, we would be very happy if you choose direct transfer:

Aktion Sodis e.V.
IBAN: DE16 4306 0967 4048 2577 00

Please indicate in the intended purpose whether you would like to receive a donation receipt and let us know your e-mail address and address.


Questions about your donation?

How does my donation reach the projects of Aktion Sodis via Betterplace?

Our crowdfunding partner Betterplace allows us to receive donations via direct debit, Paypal and credit card. 2.5% transaction fees are incurred, which Betterplace retains to cover its own costs. Your donation will therefore first go to Betterplace ( gAG), which will also issue you with the donation receipt. Betterplace ( gAG) then forwards the remaining 97.5% of the collected donations to us.

Can I deduct my donation from taxes?

Aktion Sodis e.V. is a recognized non-profit association registered and approved by the Aachen tax office. We would be happy to issue you with a donation receipt. Please enter your address in the purpose of the transfer. If you have donated to our projects via, you will receive the donation confirmation from

Who recieves the money I donate?

As an association organized on a voluntary basis, your donation goes almost exclusively to the implementation of our projects in Bolivia. An overview of these projects can be found here. With these donations we can, for example, organize water filters, hold workshops or set up school gardens. A very small part is also used for external services in Germany, such as web server hosting or printing costs.

Who are our primary supporters/donators?

The majority of our funds for the work in Bolivia come from private donors and membership fees. We also receive funding from public donors such as Engagement Global and charitable foundations. In our annual report you will find the current financial report for 2020.

Who can I contact if I have further questions about the donations and how they are used?

Feel free to send us an email with your questions to or use the contact form on the homepage or join-us-page. We will reply to you as soon as possible!

Aktion Sodis es una asociación sin fines de lucro con el objetivo de promover la cooperación al desarrollo con América del Sur y en particular con Bolivia. Con el aviso de exención del 3 de septiembre de 2020, la oficina de impuestos de Aachen reconoció el estado sin fines de lucro de Aktion Sodis con el número 201/5905/6079.

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