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Por unos Andes habitables a pesar del cambio climático.
Who we are
In a sensitive region...
For generations, the high Andes have been the home and livelihood of many people. However, living conditions outside the cities have always been adverse due to the often remote altitude and special weather conditions. But living in harmony with nature, many communities have managed to defy these adversities and build up a self-sufficient, sustainable life over the centuries.
...climate change threatens to upset the balance.
This life, and with it the associated culture and way of life, is increasingly being put to the test by increased and more extreme heavy rainfall, storms and dry spells. Although the Andean communities are often aware of how crop failures or landslides, for example, can be minimized or absorbed, they lack the resources to implement the appropriate measures.
We support change...
To ensure that migration is not the only solution to the challenges of climate change, we at Aktion Sodis support the impetus of Andean communities to actively and sustainably address the ecological, financial and social implications of climate change. Through community-based needs assessment and solution development as well as scientific and digitalized project implementation, we work with the communities to create a future in which the basis for a self-determined life is also secured for future generations.
...through projects with a sustainable impact.
Reforestation project
The reforestation project is all about planting trees in the Andes of Bolivia. The forest cover in the Andean highlands has been shrinking for centuries, causing erosion and drying out of the soil, among other things. In addition to large-scale reforestation, the project team is also aiming to create agroforestry areas, known as family plots. This should help families to live in a stable ecosystem despite climate change.
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Nisaba - Digital project monitoring and management
Despite decades of development cooperation, the recording and understanding of project successes and the necessary transfer of knowledge between organizations is still difficult today. With Nisaba, we are therefore developing an open source software solution for NGOs that enables project data to be recorded, analysed and visualized together with the participants. This not only provides an accessible overview of the general project status and current e...
Would you like to take part?
Help us help others! Climate change is already in full swing and we can use every hand and head from every field of study or profession to help reduce its impact on the people of the Andean highlands!
5 reasons to join us:
1st reason
2nd reason
3rd reason
4th reason
5th reason
If you are motivated to join our team, simply talk to us on one of our
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or use the contact form below. You can also find more information on where and how to find us on the join page. We look forward to seeing you!!!
On der
you will also find detailed information about where and how you can find us.
We look forward to you!!!
Event calendar.
Event location map.
Esta semana no habrá reunión los lunes.
Allgemeines Vereinstreffen
16. September 2024 um 19:00:00
Mefferdatisstraße 14-18, Aachen, Deutschland
Since summer 2020, we have been working with several initiatives, associations and city makers to establish a transformation centre for socio-ecological change: the Meffis! In the cool new premises we hold Mondays at 7pmour general meetings! Feel free to come by!
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