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Der Klimawandel stellt die Landwirtschaft weltweit vor nie dagewesene Herausforderungen mit verheerenden Folgen. In Micani führen Dürren, Starkregen und Hagelstürme schon heute zu Ernteausfällen und einer prekären Ernährungssituation. In dem Projekt „Ernährungssicherheit“ setzen wir uns für resiliente Ernährungssysteme und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ein, um die Ernährungssituation und Perspektive der Landbevölkerung langfristig zu verbessern.
Partners & Sponsors
Schmitz-Stiftungen, PRODII, Fundación SODIS, Gobierno Autónomo Municipal San Pedro de Buena Vista, Instituto Tecnológico Sayarinapaj, subvención “Global Grant” de la Fundación Rotaria con el apoyo de los clubes rotarios Munich-Blutenburg, Cochabamba-Tunari, Mülheim-Ruhr, Saarbrücken-St. Johann, Straubing, Barcelona-Pedralbes y el Distrito Rotario 1842.
For detailed information on the project partners see:
Detaillierte Projektbeschreibung aufklappen
Nisaba - digital project monitoring and management
In Micani, a remote part of the Bolivian high Andes, drought, soil erosion, heavy rain and hailstorms are already leading to crop failures and a precarious food situation. In the project, we work together with the communities and their families to design solutions forresilient food systems with sustainable farming methods, in order to improve the nutritional situation in the long term and in this diverse region despite the climate...
Überschrift 4
Nisaba - digital project monitoring and management
In Micani, a remote part of the Bolivian high Andes, drought, soil erosion, heavy rain and hailstorms are already leading to crop failures and a precarious food situation. In the project, we work together with the communities and their families to design solutions forresilient food systems with sustainable farming methods, in order to improve the nutritional situation in the long term and in this diverse region despite the climate...
Danke, dass du die andinen Gemeinden unterstützt ihre Ernährungssituation resilienter und besser zu gestalten!
Clavos para la construcción de un invernadero
Apoyo para que se construye un nuevo huerto familiar
Cursos de formación sobre agricultura sostenible
Help as much as you want!
Unterstütze den Bau von Gewächshäsuern im Projekt Ernährungssicherheit
Nisaba - digital project monitoring and management
In Micani, a remote part of the Bolivian high Andes, drought, soil erosion, heavy rain and hailstorms are already leading to crop failures and a precarious food situation. In the project, we work together with the communities and their families to design solutions forresilient food systems with sustainable farming methods, in order to improve the nutritional situation in the long term and in this diverse region despite the climate...
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Überschrift 2
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